Read up about PFF's upcoming events & campaigns.

Making changes one step at a time

2023 Events
NEXT CLIMATE CAFE: 15th July 2023
TOPIC: Green Finance - Be part of the solution.
Speaker: Rebecca O'Connor of Good With Money will talk about ethical savings & pensions & investments for a low carbon future - green banking & top ethical current accounts. - good funds for climate action!
Time: 10am-12pm
NEW Location: The Alexander Centre
Zero Waste box - Bring your old TOOTHPASTE BRUSHES & TUBES
Refill your cleaning & toiletry products with Street Sustainables
24 -25 June 2023
Lovely World & Open Gardens
Join in with Swale Friends of the Earth for their Lovely World Exhibition in Faversham.
The Lovely World Exhibition presents a vision of a future in perhaps twenty years’ time, in which the ‘right’ environmental choices have been made, Lovely World will be an antidote to the dystopian outlook which tends to preoccupy us all. Involving a wide range of events and activities, it will be a large-scale event centred in Faversham, with contributions from groups, companies and organisations which are already making the right choices for the future. Keep a lookout for the more information nearer the time.'
During Open Gardens, on 25th June, Plastic Free Faversham will be on a stall in the market square raising awareness about the horrors of plastic lawns.
July 2023
Climate Cafe - Green Finance - you're being green but what is your money up to?
September 2023
Climate Cafe - Plastic Attack! let's get back to basics and cut plastic out of our lives, with a focus on a Plastic Free Halloween and costume swap shop.
November 2023
Climate Cafe - Let's make Christmas 2023 the greenest yet. Make your own plastic free crackers, make Christmas wreaths and other plastic free crafty fun!
​2022 Events
23 July 2022 - Vegan Market in Faversham!
Big Green Week - 21st September to 1st OCTOBER (litter picks, stall etc)
Saturday 29th January
Come along to Plastic Free Faversham's Climate Cafe!
A Beginner's Guide to Zero Waste! - with guest speaker Greenpeace representative John Halladay
More on John Halladay - Greenpeace Speaker
"I first became aware of Greenpeace when the Rainbow Warrior was sunk in Auckland in 1985. I immediately became a supporter and I now lead the Canterbury group. I've campaigned with Greenpeace to protect our oceans and forests, to protect the Arctic and the Antarctic, to stop fracking and to prevent climate change. Greenpeace actions have taken me all over Europe and the UK and I have seen the inside of more than one police cell. By being a Greenspeaker I hope to help people understand what is happening and demonstrate practical steps they can take".
2021 Events
Saturday 4th December
Faversham will be at the Friends of the Earth Christmas Market at the Guildhall selling all manor of eco-friendly gifts. As well as our PFF reusable cup of course! See you there!
13th November:
Come along to Plastic Free Faversham's first Climate Cafe!
What is a Climate Cafe?
It is a safe space to come and share your feelings, worries, and concerns as well as your hopes and aspirations about the issues we are facing regarding climate and environmental change.
There will be a short talk, relaxed general group discussions & more importantly tea/coffee & cake!
We will explore this pressing topic in an open, friendly, non-judgmental way - exploring together, & supporting each other.
We would love to see you! No booking necessary. Just turn up. Stay for as long as you are able. No pressure at all to talk, you can simple listen and have a cuppa! See you there!
25th September:
As part of The Great Big Green Week, a nationwide campaign by The Climate Coalition, Plastic Free Faversham & Circo Rum Baba present: Whale in a Plastic Ocean! HELP Whale and Turtle survive a deluge of rubbish in their ocean home.
Circus and theatre performance fun for families & children.
Faversham Recreation Ground - Saturday 25th September
Shows run from:12AM - 1PM, 2 - 3PM & 4 - 5PM
Funds provided by Swale Borough Council
28th August: Plastic Free Faversham Stall in the market square.
JUNE 2021
27th June: Plastic Free Faversham's first Socially Distanced Litter pick of the year! Meet at the Guildhall / Market place at 11am. Bring your gloves and pickers if you have one. Looking forward to seeing you there!! Message us if you need a picker
MARCH 2021 - Sunday 7th - 7pm: Webinar Presentation on: Pollution in our Waterways
Join us for a presentation from Greenpeace on the problems of plastic polution in our waterways.
Zoom details:
Topic: Plastics and our environment
Time: Mar 7, 2021 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 2123 4075
Passcode: 880005
Spring 2021 - 3rd Sunday of every month: Lockdown Faversham Litter picks
Although we can't litter pick in groups at the moment, PFF invites you to do a mini Lockdown Litter Pick on the 3rd Sunday each month. You can do it solo or as part of your household while exercising outdoors. Use a litter pick if you have one and collect items in a strong bag. Gardening or heavy gloves are useful and don't pick up anything with bare hands.
2020 Events
SEPTEMBER: 19/09/2020 - Faversham Litter pick
Meet: Faversham Rec. Time: 11am
We are super happy to be back out and helping to clean up Faversham! Volunteers are very welcome and if they have a litter picker then please bring it. Please also bring gloves if you do not have a litter picker and anyone under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
We are also inviting pickers to print off and complete this Brand Audit Tally Chart so that we can send our results to Surfers Against Sewage.
Surfers Against Sewage has started a petition calling on the UK Government to end sewage pollution and guarantee safe-seas all year round. Read & sign.
Water companies continue to legally pollute UK waters, exposing all-water users, as well as our delicate Ocean ecosystems to harm. Consequently, our water quality remains at the same dire level as it was in the 1990s, placing the UK a pitiful 25th out of 30 EU countries for coastal water quality.
Sign the Surfers Against Sewage petition now!
JULY 2020 - Plastic Free July
Join millions of people reducing their plastic waste.
Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?
Plastic is choking our oceans and killing marine life. Sign this Friends of the Earth Petition and tell the UK government that we need a new law to phase out plastic pollution. Click here
Friends of the Earth - NATIONWIDE EVENTS
Check out the Friends of the Earth Campaigns page to find out more about other campaigns and how you can get involved in nationwide events.
Running until 22 May
Surfers Against Sewage are organising a See it – Snap it – Share it campaign - #ReturnToOffender, to expose and challenge most polluting brands. PFF is helping and encouraging others to share images polluting plasitc litter and spread this message on social media chanels, - tagging the offending brands. You can find out more here.
Follow us on Social Media for the most up to date news and info of events
2019 Events
25-26 OCTOBER. The Big Faversham Tree Plant:
PLEDGE TO PLANT A TREE for our planet and for Faversham!
Visit our stall in the market for information how and where to plant trees and which trees might be good to plant. We will have some trees available to buy as well as information on how you can get involved with other tree planting schemes if you don’t have your own space.
26 OCTOBER, 10.30-12.30 Forest Therapy at the Gunpowder Works
To celebrate our Tree Planting Project which runs next week, we are delighted to have Jayne Dunsbee, a qualified Forest Therapist joining us to offer a Forest Therapy Session at the Gunpowder Works on the Saturday morning.
Jayne is generously giving her time for free, but there will be a £5 donation requested, which will be split between Plastic Free Faversham and Oare Gunpowder Works.
For more information on these events visit our Facebook page @plasticfreefav

Volunteer with Plastic Free Faversham!​
Are you good with Social Media? Do you have an idea for a community project? Or would you like to get involved with the organising of existing projects? Then come and join the group! We meet in the first week of every month, usually a Tuesday or a Wednesday at the Limes in Preston Street. Contact us to find out more!